While thinking about the coming year, a question came to mind. Do the jewelry makers out there start their new year by organizing their jewelry making supplies? It's certainly a chore a lot of people don't want to tackle; but it's an important part of having a successful business or hobby. So I thought we could discuss it a little it.
Make Space -
When you first decided to be a jewelry maker, you probably had the realization to reserve a space somewhere for your jewelry making. You need room for your supplies, tools and ideally, for a work space. When you keep everything together, it will streamline the creative process because you won't waste time, starting and stopping to go searching for an element.
Inventory -
Here at Antelope Beads, we keep a close watch on inventory, so that's what I suggest as the next step. Make a list of all your leather and chain, findings, beading supplies, charms and focals, including colors, sizes, shapes and finishes. Keep the list updated and current so you'll always know what you have, what you need and what you want to add.
Sort and Store -
As you are counting each element, sort and store them in individual containers. It's a good idea to label each container with pertinent information about what's inside.
Bead Card -
During the sorting process, you might want to make a Bead Card. On a 3x5 or 4x6 index card, attach a sample of the beads and other components you have with a stitch or two of thread. The index card allows you to note info about each one. When you run out of something, snip off that component. When you replenish your supply, add a sample back to your card. When you are shopping, you will know at a glance what you have and you can compare what you have to elements you see and may decide you want to complement your designs.
At this point, ask yourself about design ideas you have planned for the upcoming year. Do you have all the components you need for them? If you use the Antelope Beads Project Planner, along with your inventory list and beads cards, you will always be prepared for any project.
I hope this has helped with a starting point to get you organized and ready for a year of infinite possiblities.

To share your designs and their stories, ask questions, connect with other jewelry makers and have access to live instructional videos that show you how to make or enhance your jewelry wardrobe, I hope you choose to join our exclusive Facebook group Antelope Beads Market. All you have to do is ask to join: facebook.com/groups/AntelopeBeadsMarket/