According to the dictionary, the definition of Artist is:
1. a person whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc.
2. one who professes and practices an imaginative art
Do you practice the Art of Jewelry Making? Do you design jewelry? Do people buy your finished pieces or delight in getting them as gifts? Do you consider yourself an artist?
In the world of art critics, jewelry making is not always considered an art form. However, after my many years working with jewelry makers and jewelry making supplies, in my opinion and I hope yours, too, if you take a handful of varied components, decide how you want them to go together and, whether by your own design or following the guidelines of someone else, you create a finished product that brings joy, then your finished product is a piece of art. It just happens to be art you carry around with you.
The basic process of jewelry making, from creating your design, choosing the supplies, putting those supplies together and finishing the piece in a pleasing and aesthetic way, requires artistic decisions in every step.
If you attend art shows, you will probably find that handmade jewelry is a category among the most represented.
If you browse through a museum, you will always find pieces of jewelry made for Cleopatra or Tutankamun or Marie Antoinette displayed alongside the paintings, pottery and other art forms.
In a world where everything and everyone has a label, the artist considers the unique. The artist asks what makes life interesting, colorful, fun. If you consider yourself an artist, then you are! Now go show the world why!
At Antelope Beads, we consider our designers as artists. We get excited with every new and innovative piece they create and are proud to share those designs with you. Below, I am pleased to share two of those that have become fast favorites. Click on the images to see a video tutorial by our featured designer Elaine, plus a list of the components she used in making them. We hope you will like them, too, and look forward to seeing your interpretations.
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To share your designs and their stories, ask questions, connect with other jewelry makers and have access to live instructional videos that show you how to make or enhance your jewelry wardrobe, I hope you choose to join our exclusive Facebook group Antelope Beads Market. All you have to do is ask to join: facebook.com/groups/antelopebeadsmarket/