It's normal to have an occasional setback in your creativity or to fall into a rut and make the same basic designs over and over. Sometimes, it may seem like you just can't come up with any new ideas. It's hard to find a continuous source of inspiration for innovative projects. So what do you do? Use your creative eye to see beauty everywhere! I thought perhaps I can help you move past this situation.
First and maybe the most obvious, look at other jewelry designs. Peruse magazines, visit local jewelry stores and craft and trade shows. Of course, I'm not suggesting you copy someone else's design. That just wouldn't be right. However, you can choose details from this one or that one and let them invigorate your creative juices. Look at the shape, the components, the colors, then sit down and start designing. A very useful tool is our Jewelry Project Planner. Click on the image below to get the free download.
Next, stop, look at and feel your personal surroundings. Do you have kids? They have all kinds of toys, games, sports equipment and art supplies that can give you ideas. Notice all the shapes and colors in your kitchen, your garage and even in your dark and dusty attic. Do you have a flower or vegetable garden? What design can you come up with when you look at a flower's petals and leaves? Can you see a string of beads inside the lowly pea? Many ideas come from the everyday accessories of everyday life, if you just give them a chance to stand out in your imagination. A great example is our Confetti Bracelet. It has multi-strands of round leather with complementary accent beads and a large Clay River Porcelain Focal. Use the colors suggested, or change them to match your child's crayons or your flower garden. This is one that you can alter to make it your own. Click on the image to get the component list and instructions.
Additionally, I suggest you look for inspiration from the person you plan to give the piece you plan to make. Is it someone you know,? Think about their personality, their hobbies, their likes and dislikes and their profession. Are they a parent, do they have pets, are they a sports fan? If you are designing jewelry to sell, keep in mind your target customer base. Are your customers usually men, women, young, older, professional or students? Once you decide on the nature of the recipient, work your design around that profile. Here is our pretty My Favorite People Birthstone Necklace you can customize for a particular person. Have fun with it. Click on image and get the list of elements and instructions.
And my last idea for now is to join a group. There are usually jewelry-making classes, or information about how to find them, at your local library, school facility and Chamber of Commerce. The people there will be more than happy to help you in your pursuit.
To share your designs and their stories, ask questions, and connect with other jewelry makers, I suggest you join our Facebook group Antelope Beads Market of over 2200 members and stay updated. We share ideas, new products and have instructional videos to help you in your quest to follow your passion.
I hope you'll visit AntelopeBeads.com, facebook.com/AntelopeBeads and facebook.com/groups/AntelopeBeadsMarket soon. We look forward to seeing you there.